February 24, 2025


Tanzania achievements - December 2016 - June 2017

Tanzania: EBAFOSA Tanzania has through mutual partnership with UN FAO Tanzania, secured support in mobilizing government stakeholders and financial backstopping to establish an inter-ministerial policy task force for policy harmonization towards establishing clean energy powered agro-industrialization.

Through this task force, policy makers from Ministries of transport, agriculture, environment, lands, energy, industrialization among others are convening to bridge inter-ministerial silos and harmonize their respective policies to ensure they are complementary towards the establishment of agro-industrial zones powered by clean energy. To simultaneously meet adaptation and mitigation objectives of the Paris Agreement while meeting leading socioeconomic priorities of countries – food security, creation of income & job opportunities and contributing to macro-economic growth.

These policy actors are volunteering their professional knowledge, experience & skills. Volunteering government networks, influence, and time, to bridge silos and harmonize their respective policies so they align with actualizing this shared priority. Lessons from Tanzania will be shared across 40 countries in Africa. 

EBAFOSA Countries