February 23, 2025


Leveraging EBA / clean energy to create climate action enterprises

Leveraging EBA / clean energy to create climate action enterprises: work has leveraged complementarity between EBA-driven agriculture with clean energy to unlock enterprises that scale both EBA & clean energy.

a) in Uganda – Buganda Kingdom, cassava value chain is being optimised by linking producers to solar powered micro-irrigation to preserve increase yields and to solar driers to preserve surplus harvest. This has attracted a $140million investment towards stabilising supply chain of the Uganda Breweries where target cassava farmers have been contracted to supply quality and consistent raw material. This is scaling use of solar solutions & CSA as called for in Uganda NDCs but from an enterprise dimension that ensures longevity.

b) in Zimbabwe, youth focusing on EBA have been guided to expand and cover linking local farmer cooperatives to clean energy solutions as an enterprise. They have identified solar actors selling driers at a discount and a cooperative of about 30members has been guided by the youth to acquire 3 solar driers now being used to preserve produce hygienically. This hygienic produce is being linked to consumer markets to create incentive for continued use of solar driers – a climate action.

EBAFOSA Countries