February 23, 2025


Sierra Leone achievements - December 2016 - June 2017

Sierra Leone: have formed their inter-agency task force chaired by the Ministries of Agric. Forestry and Food Security and Lands, Environment and country Planning. These ministries will lead in mobilizing participation of other critical ministries as needed. Schedule of meetings of the Task Forces has been agreed as the last Thursday of every month.

- EBAFOSA Sierra Leone policy task force building on a number of projects - the Smallholder Commercialization Programme(SCP), Rehabilitation of Community Based Poverty Reduction Project (RCPRP), Agriculture for Development, West African Agricultural Productivity  Project(WAAP) – to advocate for tax concession policies for agro-based industries in rural communities to incentivize investment towards establishment of the EBA based, clean energy powered agro-industrial zones.

- EBAFOSA Sierra Leone policy task force has participated in a national level stakeholder meeting towards amending policies to incentivize consumption and marketing of local, climate resilient crops to incentivize their production & build biophysical & socioeconomic resilience of communities. A key policy prescription being prepared is the procurement of 20% locally produced foods in all institutional feeding programmes in the country. 

EBAFOSA Countries