January 18, 2025


PILLAR 1 - Amalgamation of Clean Energy Development to add value to EBA-Driven Agriculture to maximize productivity

Amalgamating clean energy expansion to power value addition of environmentally sustainably produced agro-products presents a potential catalytic area for Africa targeted by the EBAFOSA. The amalgamation is meant to maximize productivity of agriculture by cutting on postharvest losses, losses due to climate change & losses due to ecosystems degradation.

And also maximize productivity of clean energy development by diversifying application beyond traditional domestic use to include productive use in agro-processing and value addition. And in the process, maximize income & job opportunities simultaneously with offsetting carbon & enhancing ecosystems given that clean & sustainable approaches are used. Hence unlock multiple SDGs.

Examples of this amalgamation can be cited across EBAFOSA countries.

In Cameroon mutual partnerships between farmers cooperatives, independent decentralized clean energy power producers, local councils and academia is resulting in the development of 10 pilot sites into integrated EBA-driven agriculture clean energy powered agro-industrial zone with efficient Information Communication technology (ICT) enabled linkages to markets and supply chains. The aim is to enhance food security offset carbon protect ecosystems (while creating income & job opportunities along the entire agro-value chain & along ancillary value chains like clean energy & ICT.

Practically,  in Jakiri area, in the North Western part of Cameroon, small hydropower is being used for cassava and Irish potatoes processing, while in Ngoulemakong, women are using solar energy to process cassava into flower and gari. They are planning to open a bakery using combination of local and imported flour.

On Information Communication Technology (ICT), Mobile Android Apps are being developed targeting producers in Kumbo, Batibo, Koutaba, Foumbot, Dschang and Bafia to sell their nature based produced products to wholesale markets in Douala and Yaoundé and have direct access to inputs shops. Already, a test version is already being used to link rice cooperatives in Baigom to wholesalers in Yaoundé. This will also be a source for new jobs creation for youths. ICT is offsetting carbon by lowering the carbon print of these market connections which would otherwise be actualized using paper processes that have a higher carbon footprint in materials & energy consumption.

As a result of the above ongoing actions;

-Over 500 women have received training to reduce their post-harvest losses in Cassava, corn, Irish potatoes and Sorghum in the 10 pilot areas. This included also training on clean energy solutions, to reduce health problem of children and women in rural area due to indoor pollution. Women also showed big interest in the apps for marketing and clean technology access, and this will probably be very useful for the up-scaling. By this, they are increasing their incomes & food security of communities.

- EBAFOSA Cameroon is working with 10 youth organizations engaged in EBA agriculture to link them with clean energy to power value addition of their produce and linking them with the ICT apps to improve their access to markets. Cumulatively, this is enhancing their incomes for poverty reduction

Published in Pillar 1, Infographics