January 18, 2025


Benin: the inter-agency policy task force has been constituted with 20 ministerial level focal persons drawn from key ministries of agriculture, energy, environment, planning among others needed to establish EBA based, clean energy powered agro-industrial zones. Operational level actors also included to inform policy processes and enhance implementation - 23 EBAFOSA Benin Regional representatives, and 24 members of the Specialized Committees.

Cameroon: Operational level mutual partnerships between farmer cooperatives, independent decentralized clean energy power producers, local councils and academia is resulting in the development of 10 pilot sites into integrated EBA-driven agriculture clean energy powered agro-industrial zone with efficient ICT enabled linkages to markets and supply chains. The aim is to enhance food security, offset carbon, protect ecosystems while creating income & job opportunities.

Tanzania: EBAFOSA Tanzania has through mutual partnership with UN FAO Tanzania, secured support in mobilizing government stakeholders and financial backstopping to establish an inter-ministerial policy task force for policy harmonization towards establishing clean energy powered agro-industrialization.

Zimbabwe: EBAFOSA Zimbabwe identifying anchor initiatives to mobilize complementary actors around them and build them to EBA based, clean energy powered agro-industrial zones. Already, “the Phiri Award”, an NGO that supports local farmers engaged in water harvesting technologies and climate change adaptation and mitigation actions, has been mobilized to build on their site based initiatives towards aligning them with the trajectory of establishing EBA based, clean energy powered agro-industrial zones.  

Through operational level mutual partnerships, EBAFOSA is leveraging ICT to actualize connections among complementary actors along the value chain needed to establish EBA based clean energy powered agro-industrialization. EBAFOSA ICT –driven mobile app, Ebagropamoja, an end-to-end agribusiness management enterprise resource planning (ERP) appli–cation has integrated the entire EBA-based clean energy powered agro-industrialization value chain to facilitate seamless flow of information and service provision among actors in this chain.

Published in Pillar 5, Infographics

PILLAR 4 - Innovative Financing for upscaling climate solutions through risk-sharing facilities

To mobilize financing for processes & products along the EBAFOSA climate action chain EBAFOSA is leveraging on complementary mutual partnerships among stakeholders along this chain and risk sharing facilities as innovative financing strategies.     

Published in Pillar 4, Infographics

Quality standardization is a critical market enabler to building a competitive industry. And to formalize this integrated paradigm aligned to Africa’s area of strength, and establish it competitively will require benchmarks, regulations & certifications to standardize processes, technologies & techniques across the continent.

Published in Pillar 3, Infographics

Policy is the biggest driver of change. Maximizing productivity of the catalytic areas will need harmonization of policies across multiple ministries to ensure they complement the amalgamation of EBA-driven Agriculture with clean energy value addition.

Published in Pillar 2, Infographics

Amalgamating clean energy expansion to power value addition of environmentally sustainably produced agro-products presents a potential catalytic area for Africa targeted by the EBAFOSA. The amalgamation is meant to maximize productivity of agriculture by cutting on postharvest losses, losses due to climate change & losses due to ecosystems degradation.

Published in Pillar 1, Infographics

EBAFOSA Establishment

August 31, 2017

The idea that led to the establishment of EBAFOSA



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