January 18, 2025


OPERATIONALIZING THE CLIMATE ACTION MARKET INCENTIVES GUIDE FOR CASSAVA VALUE CHAIN IN BUGANDA KINGDOM Uganda just like the globe shares a vision of a climate resilient, globally competitive Uganda, creating…
OPERATIONALISING THE CLIMATE ACTION MARKET INCENTIVES GUIDE FOR TOMATO VALUE CHAIN IN NIGERIA Nigeria just like the globe shares a vision of a climate resilient, globally competitive Nigeria, creating enterprise…
OPERATIONALISING THE CLIMATE ACTION MARKET INCENTIVES GUIDE FOR CASSAVA VALUE CHAIN Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has contextualised its stake in the shared economy-wide respon­sibility. It has refined this…
EMIRATE OF NASARAWA : CASSAVA AGRO-INDUSTRIALIZATION UPDATE While Africa is faced with this seemingly insurmountable challenge of climate change that are already shrinking income revenue streams by a massive 75%…
EMISSIONS GAP REPORT SUMMARY FOR AFRICA: IMPLICATIONS & OPPORTUNITIES FOR AFRICA Divesting from policy silos: There are several implications of the projected 2030 Green House Gas (GHG) emissions under the…
NIGERIA UPDATES: INNOVATIVE VOLUNTEERISM INSPIRING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CLIMATE ACTION IN NIGERIA Climate change threatens to affect most economies in Africa. It threatens Nigeria with a 25% per hectare reduction…
UGANDA UPDATES: INNOVATIVE VOLUNTEERISM INSPIRING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CLIMATE ACTION IN UGANDA Climate change threatens to affect most economies in Africa. It is projected to erode equity and incomes in…
BOTSWANA UPDATES: IMPLEMENTING CLIMATE ACTION Semi-arid regions in southern Africa are already warming at 1.5 times the global average. Right here in Botswana, the driest parts are warming twice as…
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Market incentives for climate action: EBAFOSA has worked with national standards bodies to develop a climate action market incentive guide on the cascade of standards agro-enterprises in the country need…
Leveraging EBA / clean energy to create climate action enterprises: work has leveraged complementarity between EBA-driven agriculture with clean energy to unlock enterprises that scale both EBA & clean energy.
Innovatively financing climate action: work has aimed at guiding cooperatives to tap into asset financing along the agro-value chain – especially clean energy solutions e.g. solar driers, solar irrigation among…
Operational Level: at operational level, EBAFOSA is providing a common framework that is convening enterprises in agriculture, clean energy, micro-finance, Information Communication Technology – to foment market driven partnerships that…
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EBAFOSA Countries