March 07, 2025



On April 28th, 2017 EBAFOSA Cote D'Ivoire convened all the bureau members and country focal points from all over the country to take stock of how they are implementing the…
Published in Updates, Photos
On April 7th, 2017 EBAFOSA Cameroon convened all the bureau members and country focal points from all over the country to take stock of how they are implementing the EBAFOSA…
Published in News, Updates, News
On March 30th , 2017 EBAFOSA Mozambique convened all their policy focal points from the Ministries of Agriculture, Environment, Energy & Water, Lands, transport at the secretariat which sits at…
Published in Updates
EBAFOSA Brochure, Optimizing Africa’s food security & Job creation
Country Branches as cells of Innovation and Partnerships EBAFOSA applies a hub strategy where country branches, the “EBAFOSA country bureaus or National Branches” register local, continental and global actors within…
Published in Updates, EBAFOSA
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EBAFOSA Countries